Monday 19 May 2014

My Trip To Italy!

Hey everyone!
Recently I went to Italy and had such an amazing time so I wanted to share it with you guys:)

It was my first time ever going on a plane (I went with my school so this made it even more scary to think about!), I was very anxious but as soon as we took of I was relaxed and to tell you the truth, I really enjoyed the flight.

We had a strict itinerary to stick to so most of the days were a bit rushed but I managed to see a lot, get some great photos and have a blast!

Day 1: Seaside for lunch, shopping mall, checking into the hotel & dinner!

 (i only got videos of this day so i will post them on my you tube channel soon, sorry)

Day 2: Rome! Colosseum, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Circus Maximus, Caracalla Baths

This day was by far my favourite, we got so much done and Rome is just so beautiful.

(we weren't actually allowed in the Colosseum, apparently school groups aren't allowed in anymore..!)


Top of the Trevi Fountain


Inside the Pantheon

Circus Maximus

HUGE Caracalla Baths

Inside the baths ft. French people!

Day 3: Ostia Antica, Polish War Graves, Monte Cassino, new hotel in the Bay of Naples!

Monte Cassino was probably the most beautiful place we went to, I loved it! Monks live there and it was so peaceful. Also, the pope was there the day after us!

The new hotel in the Bay of Naples was really nice, we had a small terrace outside the room to socialise on and relax. Although it looked nice a lot of the things in our room were broken and at night it was super cold:( The food wasn't too good either but after many complaints the hotel managed to get up to our standards:) I loved it in Naples.

Ostia Antica
Polish War Graves

Graves & Monte Cassino on the hill

Inside Monte Cassino

Monte Cassino- Chapel
Day 4: Cuma, Solfatara, Herculaneum

Any pictures taken at Cuma are strictly not allowed to be posted on the Internet since it is quite a private archeological site, sorry :(

Solfatara smelt like rotten eggs due to the sulphur fumes, I couldn't stand the smell it was so bad!

Sulphur coming off the rocks, ew!

I only took videos of Herculaneum because there was soooo much to see, I will get them up on youtube asap. Herculaneum was so interesting - there was still skeletons from people who died there!

Day 5: Paestum & Sorrento

Today was filled with a lot of long bus journeys so we didn't get much in.
Sorrento was a small town where we could shop for a while and get some cool souvenirs!
 (i didn't get pics of Sorrento, it was too busy)

Day 6: Vesuvius & Pompeii

Vesuvius was beautiful and was interesting to think I was on top of a LIVE volcano!!
Pompeii was great and the sun was shining bright, we spent a good 5 hours looking around Pompeii.

Vesuvius, Volcano!

Inside the crater

Part of Pompeii

Plaster-cast of a man who died because of the volcanic eruption that hit Pompeii 

Ruins in Pompeii

Day 7: HOME!
By this time we were all ready to go home and see our families again and eat good British food! The flight back was good, i managed to sleep a lot.
Then when i finally got to my house it was so great to see everyone and eat!!

Overall it was a great experience and I would recommend Italy as a good place to go on holiday. There is lots to do and see, the weather is usually amazing too.

I hope you enjoyed reading and seeing some pics of my trip. Hopefully I can get back into the routine of blogging every week. I know this isn't beauty related but I wanted to try out a new thing, let me know if you like this and leave a comment.

Raegan Muir

Bye xo

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